Affinity Law Firm
3947 Boulevard Center Drive, Suite 101

Jacksonville, Florida 32207
(904) 398-9510


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Our Legal Services  
Serving Florida and Georgia with Legal Representation and Business Consulting

Real Estate Services


Deciding to lease a property to a new tenant can sometimes be difficult.  Demands can be made by the tenant which appear to be unreasonable, or you may want to excersize rights that are typically not provided in an agreement.   Lease forms are freely available online, but what do you do if you want special terms put in that lease?  Perhaps you want to be able to modify the lease, and are not sure exactly how to put in that special provision.  Perhaps you just need some advice on how to adequately protect yourself or your property in case your tenant turns out to be a nusiance to the environment or neighbors.  We can help.

            Because we can help with difficult leases for landlords, we also can look at leases for the average tenant.  We offer very affordable lease reviews for tenants, and can inform them of the rights that they might want and are not getting under the current agreement, or to include special terms that the tenant might want, that the landlord is unsure of.  We want to make the deal go through, with both parties in agreement on the special terms and conditions.